Serenidad - Lugn
Kategori: Spaniens Valdepenas

NAME: The Reality of Alzheimer's
BIOGRAPHY: Allegory to the metaphor of memory. It is like a book that is losing its pages
AUTHOR: Máximo González Navarro, 2009
LOCATION: Avda. Primero de Julio

BIOGRAPHY: Allegory of Don Quijote's attack on the windmills, where its protagonist is Rocinante
AUTHOR: José Lillo Galiani, 2003
LOCATION: Plazoleta del Autidorio

NAME: Dulcinea-Aldonza
BIOGRAPHY: The author has wanted to capture the duality between fantasy and reality. On the one hand the noble lady, the platonic love and on the other hand the reality of the villager
AUTHOR: Javier Galán, 2010
LOCATION: C / Zarzas

BIOGRAPHY: Valdepeñas 1907 - Ibíd. 1951. Known as Poet of La Mancha. It belonged to the first postwar generation. Introduced modernity in poetry
AUTHOR: José Lillo Galiani, 2007
LOCATION: Pl. De la Constitución

NAME: Serenidad
BIOGRAPHY: Ornamental sculpture representing a lying woman
AUTHOR: Sergio Alonso Moro, 2009
LOCATION: Pl. De la Veracruz
