1.Holm oak. The primitive oak forest occupies few enclaves located in the shady areas and the high and inaccessible areas of the mountains. The Encinas are occasionally accompanied by Cork oaks and Quejigos and on the slopes and more flat areas the oak is presented as a pasture. The serial vegetation that accompanies the degraded oak is composed of Coscoja, Jara, Ahulaga, Astragalus, Jaguarzo, Lentisco and Madroño.
2. Charnecales. They replace the oak trees in the plains and in the solanas of the mountains. As associated plants abound Acebuche, Coscoja, Madroño, Heather, Jara, Jaguarzo and scarcely, Romero.
3. Madroñales. They replace the oak and cork oaks of both plain and slopes of solana, as well as those of umbria and height. They are accompanied by Acebuche, Quejigo, Heather, Peonia, Durillo, Rusco, Jara pringosa and Jaguarzo.
4. Riparian vegetation. On the caúces of some streams and in the tails of the reservoir an important scrubland cover of riverside develops, where Adelfas, Tamujos and Atarfes coexist with Majuelos and wild Roses.
5. Reforestation. They are composed of Eucalyptus (E. camaldulensis, E. rostrata and E. globulus) and Pine trees (P. pinaster and to a lesser extent P. pinea).
6. Majadales . The representative species is Poa bulbosa mixed with underground Trifolium. They settle on poor soil replacing the oak. Part of these grasslands are being abandoned and invaded by Retama (Retama sphaerocarpa).

Margarita växer vilt och en blomma som påminner om maskros.
Såg även en vårblomma som påminner väldigt mycket blåsippan.
För mig är den ett riktigt svenskt vårtecken.
Fish in the area
- Iberian Barbel
- Loach
- Freshwater blenny
- Carp
- Tench
- Crucian Carp
- Black bass
- Catfish
- Channel Catfish
- Gambusia
- Pike
- Pumpkinseed
Among these species stand out the pikes for their abundance, to the point that the reservoir has been nicknamed popularly as "Swamp of the thousand pikes."
- Common Crane
- Common Tern
- Cormorant
- Red-crested Pochard
- Northern Shoveler
- Little Grebe
- Gull-billed Tern
- Stork
- Holm oak
- Wild Olive
- Gall Oak
- Strawberry Tree
- Kermes Oak
- Mastic
- Laurestine
- Gum Rockrose
- Heather
- Rockrose
- Rosemary
- Sage-leaved Rockrose
- Broom
- Common Hawthorn
- Pine tree
- Eucalyptus
- Flueggea Tinctorea
- Oleander
Denna art har drakformad hållning.
Fågeln är svart men närmare än så kommer jag inte att jag kan urskilja fler egenskaper. Hursomhelst skulle fågeln bara markera för mig att han/hon skulle fly inom kort tid.

Living in a box inlägget gick tyvärr inte att kommentera. Jag får ursäkta både för min och Blogg.se vägnar.
Hoppas att vi har bättre lycka med detta inlägg ÷)
Trevlig fredag!