Mi bescota grande
Kategori: Spaniens Jerez

With all my respects ... And let no one be offended !!
I am Andalusian, specifically from JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz) Yes, this region of southern Spain that is seen over the shoulder, which they call uneducated and palette. The one who says that we takes everything for fun, who only think about having fun.
The one who does not know how to pronounce Spanish correctly or write, the one who only wants carnival, fair and hoods ..... But who is giving an authentic lesson in civility, responsibility and coherence. Our happy character nobody will take it from us, that goes in our DNA, it is our pride ... But you can be happy and responsible.
While, in other more cultured, serious and well-spoken places, the recommendations are passed through their holy balls, sorry, !!!! What the hell do you recommend? The order!!!!. Order to stay home. But no, they worship, they pass orders and confinements and go on vacation to the south paleto ..... Here we are still locked up and happy, worried but happy .... Andalusian and responsible .... And from Cádiz specifically JEREZ DELA FRONTERA. Almost nothing .. copy🇳🇬 🇪🇸❤️
Spanska Ord som är ofta på tapeten under Coronakrisen är :
Quedarte en casa - Stanna hemma
Fallocidos - Avlidna
Contagiados - Infekterade
Pide ayuda - Fråga om hjälp
Prorrogara - Förlänga
Incierro - inlåst ( lockdown )
Medidas - åtgärd
Cuarentana - karantän

Fortsätter att klappa händer idag klockan 20.00 för sjukvårdens hjälteinsatser
Ta hand om er 🙏
Bloggadress: http://znogge.wordpress.com