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Kategori: Spaniens Ecija

The Palace of the Marqueses de Peñaflor is in one of the most central streets of Ecija, close to the Plaza Mayor. It is part of a huge block where the architecture tends towards the horizontal, but also includes several raised features, such as the viewpoint, the staircase and the doorway, as well as the layout of the various galleries and rooms and their double-gabled roofs.
The Palace of the Marqueses de Peñaflor is a reflection of Ecija's golden century, when more than 30 noble titles were based here. It was built by one of the largest fortunes in Spain, the Peñaflor family, large landowners and important figures in Spain.
It is renowned for its profuse decoration, both architectural and pictorial, especially on the façade, and its exquisite use of fictional architecture.
The palace was commissioned between 1700 and 1775. It was declared a Historic-Artistic Monument in 1962 and is protected as a being of Cultural Interest. The decoration of the staircase leading to the upper floor, by Cristóbal Portillo at the end of the 18th century, is of great artistic interest.

the tower of San Juan
the eighteenth century, and its baptismal chapel.
The first data that refer to its existence are from the 16th century. Its tower is one of the most beautiful in the city of Écija and its visit gives access to the second body of bells. In this church the writer Luis Vélez de Guevara was baptized in 1579.
