Kategori: Spaniens Orellana

Castillo - Palacio de Los Altamirano
Orellana la Vieja, Badajoz
that was later Palace is the monument that arouses most interest in the population.
Now thisdays the castle is a symbol of Orellana and it is placed in the center of the village.
Sow wrapped in riddles, unsolved mysteries and a complex archeology given the great reforms, abandonments and plundering that has suffered throughout history.
From its beginnings we know little, the case is that since the first known documents of the population the castle is already mentioned, in 1340 they refer to it as “my strong house”. It is not clear if there were remains before, but almost all coincide with the existence of a fortress, probably in ruins, before the Altamiranos de Trujillo took possession of the town of Orellana

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