Puente Cristo de la Expiración
Heter denna fina bro som jag tog mig över Guadalquivir från hotellet Torre Sevilla när jag skulle till city. Från håll ser det ut som parasolliknande tak som skuggar gångbanan. Väldigt smart drag under högsäsongen.
The bridge of the Santísimo Christ of the Expiration is an urban bridge in the city of Seville that crosses the Guadalquivir river and supposes the natural exit of the city towards the Aljarafe and the province of Huelva , was constructed in 1991.
Bron är en stadsbro i staden Sevilla som korsar floden Guadalquivir och är troligtvis stadens naturliga utfart mot Aljarafe och provinsen Huelva. Den byggdes 1991.
Steel structure, with two reduced arches of 130 meters of light and without support under water, which supports a 223 m board. x 30m and 30.5m wide, designed by José Luis Manzanares Japan .
Inspired by the Alexander III bridge in Paris.
Pedestrian crossings along the bridge are covered in white tarpaulins that hang from masts and relieve the heat of pedestrians.
Puente Cristo de la Expiración
från "topfloor" hotell Torre Sevilla
When you're down and out
When you're on the street
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you (ooo)
I'll take your part, oh, when darkness comes
And pain is all around
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
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