Blue monkey
Kategori: Mitt val av Kultur

Yesterday we were at Terrace blue monkey
Amanda, Stuart, Mr. U and I.
We spent the whole evening with good drinks and live music in the background, which was replaced by dance music.
Sometimes you do not deny yourself and, unfortunately, do not realize how old you are. In other words, it became a late night. We did not get to bed until 5.30 AM. Today it is more noticeable and fatigue is the biggest issue.

Blue Monkey är väldigt unik i med det hur den ser ut men den är inte blå. Den är också känd som Diademed Monkey.

Denna art hör till den gamla apvärlden. Det finns ett par kända underarter.
Den blåa apan har mycket litet hår i ansiktet Detta kan ge en blåaktig färg som apan har fått sitt namn. Kroppen har en olivfärgad nyans med fläckar av vitt och svart. Apans huvud har en mörkt färg. Under vissa tider av året kan olivfärgen bli gråaktig för att passa in i omgivningen.
Blue Monkey – Cercopithecus mitisIntroduction
The Blue Monkey is very unique in how it looks but it isn’t blue. It is also know as the Diademed Monkey. This species belongs to the Old Monkey World. There are a couple of known subspecies.
There is very little hair on the face of the Blue Monkey. This can give a bluish color which is where the name comes from. The body is an olive color with patches of white and black on it. The top of the head is dark in color. During some times of the year the olive color can become grayish to fit their surroundings.