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Kategori: Mallorca

Kategori: Mallorca
Kategori: Mallorca
Kategori: Mallorca
Kategori: Mallorca
On March 1 is celebrated in Mallorca the Day of the Balearic Islands , is the official holiday of our Autonomous Community and commemorate the date on which the Statute of autonomy of 1983 came into force.
A few days before and a few days after the appointed date, different types of activities are organized for all ages, such as free admission to museums or institutional buildings, guided tours, workshops, storytelling, markets, .
Kategori: Mallorca
Kategori: Mallorca
Kategori: Mallorca
Kategori: Mallorca
Kategori: Mallorca
Kategori: Mallorca
Kategori: Mallorca
A royal palace has stood on this site next to Palma's cathedral since the Muslim walis (governors) built their alcazar soon after the Arab conquest.
Kategori: Mallorca
Kategori: Mallorca
Kategori: Mallorca
The building which nowadays is as one of the protagonists of Palma?s maritime façade was originally the headquarters of the School of Merchants.
Guillem Sagrera, Majorcan well-known sculptor in the XV century, was entrusted to erect an adequate place for the merchant?s tasks and necessities. Therefore, during Martí l'Humà?s rule the works at La Lonja were commenced.
The result was a simple building, of a balanced composition, showing the island?s Gothic style. Rectangular shaped, it is divided into twelve sections, separated by six fluted columns which open up into ribs of a groined vault.
Kategori: Mallorca
The Torrent of the Riera ( sa Riera ) is a torrent of the island of Mallorca ( Spain ) that ends at the Balearic capital between the Park of the Feixina and the Museum of the Baluard.
It is born in the municipality of Puigpuñentand flows into the bay of Palma. Before the torrent passed through the Ramblas , Union Street and Paseo del Borne , but in the seventeenth century was diverted so that it did not cross the old town. Currently, it passes through the exterior part of the old walls of the city of Palma in its last stretch, forming the Paseo Mallorca .
Kategori: Mallorca
Félix Rubén García Sarmiento, född 18 januari1867 i Metapa (nuv. Ciudad Darío), Nicaragua, död 6 februari 1916 i León, Nicaragua, var en nicaraguansk poet som skrev under pseudonymen Rubén Darío.
Hans poesi införde kraft och energi till den enformiga, monotona spanska poesin vid den tiden.
Rubén tillbringade stora delar av sitt liv utanför Nicaragua som journalist och diplomat. 1888 gav han i Chile ut Azul som är ett av de inledande verken i den spanskamerikanska modernismen.
Kategori: Mallorca